Caz251's Fiction Both Fan & Original
Title: Inside the Mind of a Martian
Author: Caz251
Prompt #: #16 - Mars
Prompt table: A
Fandom: Doctor Who
Rating: G
Character/Pairing: 10th Doctor, mentions of Donna
Word count: 152
Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who, it belongs to the BBC, unfortunately.
Summary: The Doctor’s thoughts on Donna Noble. Spoilers for The Runaway Bride.
AN: Written for the 
dailyfics prompt table. 

What is it with human beings, he thinks as he closes the door of the TARDIS, you say alien and they think of Mars and Martians, no matter how much you try to persuade them otherwise. Donna Noble had been adamant, he was an alien, therefore he must be from Mars. He didn’t understand it, even when he told her otherwise she persisted that he was a Martian, or even a spaceman, which was technically true even if it wasn’t very flattering, but he found that he himself didn’t care too much what she called him. He may have protested the titles, but that was more a habit than anything else, protesting any title but the Doctor, however with Donna it seemed more fun. In a way it was like she was just a mate, a friend he could have fun with without any expectation of more, and that was just fantastic.