Caz251's Fiction Both Fan & Original
Title: Man on the Moon
Author: Caz251
Prompt #: #9 - Moon
Prompt table: A
Fandom: Doctor Who
Rating: G
Character/Pairing: Martha/10th Doctor
Word count: 127
Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who, it belongs to the BBC, unfortunately.
Summary: Martha’s understanding of the pull of the man on the moon. Spoilers for Smith and Jones.
AN: Written for the 
dailyfics prompt table.

She didn’t understand it, not really. As a child her friends had been obsessed with the man on the moon, she didn’t really see the appeal of the children’s television character, but her friends did. It wasn’t until she was older that she started to see the appeal of the man on the moon. It had started out much like any other day during her lessons as a medical student, there was a group of them shadowing a doctor in a hospital. Then the next thing she knew was there was a patient with two hearts, the hospital had been moved to the moon and the man with two hearts was kissing her. It was then she found out the lure of the man on the moon.