Caz251's Fiction Both Fan & Original
Title: Mercy
Author: Caz251
Prompt #: #6 - Mercy
Prompt table: A
Fandom: Doctor Who
Rating: G
Character/Pairing: Mercy
Word count: 144
Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who, it belongs to the BBC, unfortunately.
Summary: Mercy’s thoughts on her Mercy. Spoilers for The Next Doctor.
AN: Written for the 
dailyfics prompt table.

Paragraph.Mercy, that was my name, not that they ever cared to ask, as long as I did my job they didn’t really care, just like they didn’t care for the children in their care, everything was done for appearances. I was merciful however, I granted them death once they outlived their usefulness, the same could be said of the orphans. Once they had fulfilled their purpose I was going to grant them mercy from the life they would face otherwise as orphans in this time growing up. Even if the under the rule of the CyberKing the world would be better, the children who had helped bring forth the new age didn’t need to be a part of it. It would be much more merciful to them not to have to experience the new age, it would be hard for them to adjust to.